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This is the top city for small business in the US: Study

Miami is the No. 1 place for small business, according to a Biz2Credit national survey of more than 30,000 businesses released on Tuesday, May 7. The city gets high marks for low taxes, and the ease of regulations to launch start-ups.

5 years ago

Here's what financial advisors are telling clients worried about Trump's trade-war tweets

Some investors might be worried about how a trade war with China would impact their savings. Here's what financial advisors can telll them.

5 years ago

$2 trillion in tax-free Opportunity Zone investing could benefit rich and poor

In an innovative addition to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, 8,700 low-income census tracts called Opportunity Zones could benefit investors with unrealized capital gains to sell existing investments and re-invest those gains in high-poverty areas.

5 years ago

This strategy can help investors save on taxes — if it's done right

Tax-loss harvesting gives investors a silver lining if they have realized losses

5 years ago

4 Tried-and-True Strategies to get Crowdfunding Backers in 2019

With more than 600 daily crowdfunding campaigns launched on Kickstarter and Indiegogo alone, the competition for backers is fiercer than ever before. Especially if your campaign is on a tight marketing budget, it becomes even more crucial to maximize the impact of your efforts without wasting any resources – aka money, mullah, dough – in...

The post 4 Tried-and-True Strategies to get Crowdfunding Backers in 2019 appeared first on Krowdster.

5 years ago

4 Tried-and-True Strategies to get Crowdfunding Backers in 2020

With more than 600 daily crowdfunding campaigns launched on Kickstarter and Indiegogo alone, the competition for backers is fiercer than ever before. Especially if your campaign is on a tight marketing budget, it becomes even more crucial to maximize the impact of your efforts without wasting any resources – aka money, mullah, dough – in...

The post 4 Tried-and-True Strategies to get Crowdfunding Backers in 2020 appeared first on Krowdster.

5 years ago

From a new home to medical care, here are some important savings goals

Americans are putting money aside — but many aren't saving enough, and some, not at all.

5 years ago

What’s the Difference Between an IPO and a Direct Listing?

As Slack gears up to go public via a direct listing, we expect to get a few questions about what exactly that means, how it’s similar and different from a traditional initial public offering, and why a company may choose … Continue reading

5 years ago

MBA students face off in challenge to create the next best idea in impact investing

An inaugural competition challenged MBA students to come up with investment portfolios that have a positive social and environmental impact without sacrificing financial returns. The contest could point to where the industry is headed.

5 years ago

What’s the Difference Between an IPO and a Direct Listing?

As Slack gears up to go public via a direct listing, we expect to get a few questions about what exactly that means, how it’s similar and different from a traditional initial public offering, and why a company may choose … Continue reading

5 years ago

Real Estate Crowdfunding and Blockchain Tokenization

Have you heard of real estate crowdfunding?

What about blockchain technology?

There is now a platform out there that combines both into one secure website!

Today, I spoke with the founders of the ...

The post Real Estate Crowdfunding and Blockchain Tokenization appeared first on Crowdfunding Success Tips.

5 years ago

Advisors help clients tackle the complexities of Social Security

More financial advisors are helping their clients with Social Security. The decisions are a lot more complicated than whether to file earlier or later.

5 years ago

America is in a financial literacy crisis, and advisors can fix the problem

Financial services providers are uniquely positioned to change the conversation around literacy and address the elephant in the room: the "money talk" taboo.

5 years ago

Nearly half a million UK firms in 'significant financial distress'

New research from British insolvency firm Begbies Traynor revealed that 484,000 U.K. businesses are in "significant financial distress," which is 14% of all the economically active firms in the country.

5 years ago

Most financial advisors lack a succession plan, a crucial aspect of running a firm

Most advisors lack a formal plan to ensure that when they leave the business their practice will continue and clients will be taken care of.

5 years ago